During the past two years, I followed the master Artistic Research in and through Cinema at the Netherlands Film Academy. My artistic research ‘Fun Fatale’ revolves around modes of female emancipation from the patriarchal order. The possibility of liberation that exists in every situation by a change of perspective, small actions or grand decisions. Fun Fatales operate within society, bending the existing structures to claim their freedom.
The same strategy is used in the project Through the Eye of the Needle. A group of women is brought together in performance around sewing machines. At first glance, it may appear to be a sweatshop in which women are bound by classic roles and professions, but behind their machines their separate voices, sounds and materials become an orchestra of a united movement. The traditional cinematic experience is challenged and bent as images, stories, perspectives and sounds are woven together and projected. Set as a performance in a non-cinematic location, actors, makers and spectators are invited to meet and interact to create the outcome together.